“The professional qualification, occupational safety and health of our installation team is of the utmost importance to us.” Gerald Ramler, Technical project manager
Since December 2013 we are certified in accordance with the standard EN ISO 3834-2. It regulates the comprehensive quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials and forms the highest level of requirements within the series of standard ISO 3834. The national standard ÖNORM M 7812 (inspection log book) regulates the quality assurance of welding work. The assessment and monitoring of a manufacturing operation in accordance with §14 of the Austrian Boiler Act also concerns the inspection of the production and testing facilities, the professional qualification of the personnel and the organisation of the quality assurance in terms of the Boiler Act and the requirements included within its implementation regulations.
Our Services
- Electrical installation
- Mechanical installation
- Construction site supervision
- Connection of interfaces and interface management including the integration of your own equipment